
The Concert For Bangla Desh

The Concert For Bangla Desh


[notes coming soon]

  • Release Date
    August 19, 1991
  • Label / Catalog number / Format
    Epic 468835-2
  • Track-listing
    [Disc 1]Introductions by George Harrison and Ravi Shankar
    Bangla Duhn (live) *
    Wah-Wah (live)
    My Sweet Lord (live)
    Awaiting On You All (live)
    That's The Way God Planned It (live) **
    It Don't Come Easy (live) ***
    Beware Of Darkness (live)
    Introduction of the band by George
    While My Guitar Gently Weeps (live)

    [Disc 2]Jumping Jack Flash (live) ****
    Youngblood (live) *****
    Here Comes The Sun (live)
    A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall (live) ******
    It Takes A Lot To Laugh/It Takes A Train To Cry (live) ******
    Blowing In The Wind (live) ******
    Mr. Tambourine Man (live) ******
    Just Like A Woman (live) ******
    Something (live)
    Bangla Desh (live)

    * performed by Ravi Shankar
    ** performed by Billy Preston
    *** performed by Ringo Starr
    **** performed by Leon Russell
    ***** performed by Leon and Don Preston
    ****** performed by Bob Dylan

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