
Something For The Weekend... Paul McCartney's Glastonbury Groove

Something For The Weekend... Paul McCartney's Glastonbury Groove


The tracks shown indicate only the tracks by the ex-Beatles. They appear on the disc as track 8, 11, 12 and 17 repectively.

"Temporary Secretary (radioslave mix)" was taken from the album New Religion Presents A Secret History. "Marwa Blues" was performed by George Harrison and taken from the album Brainwashed. " Spiral" was taken from the album Working Classical. "Calico Skies" was taken from the album Flaming Pie.

  • Release Date
    June 7, 2004
  • Label / Catalog number / Format
    Uncut Magazine UNCUT 2004 07
  • Track-listing
    Temporary Secretary (radioslave mix)
    Marwa Blues 1
    Spiral 2
    Calico Skies

    1 performed by George Harrison
    2 performed by London Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Lawrence Foster

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